Monday, December 08, 2008

the Mime crime...

call it a mimic's spur of the moment decision, but somehow i do manage to get myself into such borrow a quote, "its a Mime Crime!" all it took was a random phone call one afternoon. And then...

S: Hello! where are you man?

Me: hey! just got home...why what's up?

S: come over to the Friends Society na! there's something that's come up...

Me: what?

S: just come over...tell ya when you get here.

Me: no hints or guesses, eh?

S: chal be...come fast.

Me: ok ok ...i am on my way. 15 minutes later there i was at the Friends Society. for the first time in almost 3 years in Baroda i entered past the little gate that i had walked past like a million times by. to the voluntary organization that i was coerced and lured into joining in the past, and had walked away from with equal disdain each time. finally taken into the folds...both S and I...

half an hour later. i had agreed to work on a script for a play on social awareness for the 'special children' whom the Friends Society took care of and for whom they were organizing a sports meet. the next day i was discussing a few ideas with an equally flustered and new recruit, G, and by the end of that day, i was directing a Mime on a social cause that i could respect at a personal level and advocate at a social one along with a bunch of people i had never before met in my time in Baroda. 2 days later, we had a full on performance...a stage, a background score, a mime troupe and an audience!

life can be fast and spontaneous...and creative.

...the actual video of the performance and the performance pictures are in editing and processing. so for a sneak-peek here is a backstage shot of a part of the mime troupe!


Keshi said...

WOW this sounds so very interesting Nachi!

we are all 'miming' something or the other in our life :)

Nice shot too!


gP said...

heyya bro. the friends society sound very nice. wish i had a volunteer organization that I really like over here.

hows u man. and real post yet...coz am lazy :D

gypsy said...

everybody looks cute in here...

Keshi said...

btw I updated that post with winners..come hv a look Nachi! :)


Nachi said...

Keshi: it sure was fun! and yeah, life and mime do have a lot in juxtaposition...

...checked the updated post!! i won!! :D

Ghosty: well, for most, its a pretty 'okay' sorts of an organization. the bitching is more than the work in all these non-profits and social orgs, although they do quite a bit of decent stuff. precisely the reason why some of us prefer to work with them, and still not become a part of the Friends team..

..and you are one lazy bugger!

d'Gypsy: from d'Sinner to d'Gypsy a change in the air!!

...and talking about cute...
