"Thursdays can be normal days"
...you do the normal stuff. go to college, meet up with a bunch or friends, have a little birthday celebration for one of them, then make your way to the school and finally end up making the my little terrorist kids read 'Cat in the Hat' and then play tag and 'antakshari' with them...
...this happens only in India! the one stop medical store...from medicine to 'get well soon' cards to flowers...you got is all here. hell!! i bet, if i walked in and asked they would also be in the business of providing me with a life/medical insurance cover and/or funeral services. but i dare not...
...also, only in India (heavy dose of sarcasm here. today was also my sarcastic best of the week so far). where you have an educational institution as important as a school advertising itself not on its academic credentials but instead on its ability to incorporate (read as hire) a young talent show winner to come be a part of its Annual day function. what ever happened to the days when it was all about the team work and efforts put in by the students and the teachers, together, in a celebration of the wonderful days that were spent in the school over the course of the year?? today its all about attracting the star talent and marketing the ability of the school to do so. so what that back in our days we had lavishly planned and elaborately worked out 'small but more personal' Annual School Days. no money, no talent show winner, no Annual Day...as simple as that! in short, we sucked!
i couldn't but help notice, my sense of humor tickled gently, the irony of life. here you have a huge hoarding advertising the youth, the children...and then right below, you have an equal signboard cautioning the aged, the retired...time sure has flown rapidly between the two spaces.
...anyways, if ever there was a happy life, Cat has it! just look at him. aww, my baby boy! rest, we are all subject to the pun called 'life'...
...Thursday's are good days! :)