Wednesday, June 18, 2008

for Keshi...with honesty and lots and lots of love...

well Keshi sure manages to ask the right questions. and she sure as hell makes sure to emphasis on the 'honesty' factor as an essential ingredient for the answers! that makes things all the more interesting. anyways, this was supposed to be a comment on Keshi's post. but i thought that it would be equally fine here as a tag thingy. spares me the effort of coming up with something of my own for this post at least. here we go...

Q1: What makes you truly happy?

...truly happy?? i really don't know for sure if there is one particular thing, and cause of that i keep on seeking reasons for joy in each and every opportunity and moment. but i do know that i'd be the happiest as a dad! cause i would be freaking fabulous. the bestest dad in the whole world!

Q2: What can't you live without?

...hmm, having a constantly in transit lifestyle helps get used to the idea of change in all spheres. but i guess that the one thing that i really need in the long run (even if it's on an on-off basis) is quality company. my mind would go crazy if i had to go without a decent intellectual, meaningful and spirited conversation with a fellow mind.

Q3: What's your daily source of inspiration?

...i guess that i feed off the people around me. the fact that each person is dealing with life with it's share of problems, that to each is tantamount as the 'end-of-the-world!', and is yet making the best of it gives me the strength to do the same. life is too short for regrets. yes, shit happens! so what?

Q4: What's your message to the world?

...listen to your conscience! in the long run everything always works out just fine.

Q5: What makes you unique?

...optimistic to the point of making people puke. gutsy to the point that i've never learned to back down. and the fact that i can be brutally loyal and blindly loving and at the same time be patiently vindictive and quietly dangerous when crossed wrong. but above all, the fact that i refuse to be anything short of completely honest and true to myself. the insatiable EGO would never permit even a shard of deceit to itself.

Q6: What flower are you and why?

...i am the daisy! simple enough to grow by the roadside; and yet, beautiful enough to make a child smile and a woman blush...


"go figure, eh! "


tonight, am going to be hosting a small dinner thingy for a few pals at home. made sure to give the cook an evening off and so am going spend the evening cooking. yay!



Keshi said...

WOW Nachi u really had me spellbound there! ty for taking my qns seriously and answering em so HONESTLY :) and brilliantly. Yes I emphasise on that HONESTY thing all the time cos alot of ppl just ans qns to look good. But I think u were so transparent here and did ur best. I thank u from the bottom of my heart for that Nachi.

**but i do know that i'd be the happiest as a dad

Some sweet kid is gonna be the LUCKIEST kid in the world some day. And some lovely woman is gonna be LUCKIER ;-)

** my mind would go crazy if i had to go without a decent intellectual, meaningful and spirited conversation with a fellow mind.

I so agree! Music and quality company is some things even I cant live w.o. Well-said there Nachi!

**yes, shit happens! so what?

Spot on! March ahead..not backwards.

**listen to your conscience

I really liked that one. Conscience is our natural guiding light in life. Alot of ppl fail to see that.

**optimistic to the point of making people puke

haha ur so like me then. Good on ya!

** quietly dangerous when crossed wrong

really? Wut wud u do to me if I tread ur boundaries? no pun there. LOL!

ty for doin this and hey hv a great nite with ur mates! So wut r ya cooking?

Anyways, eat, drink and be merry. MWAHHHHHHHHH!


Keshi said...

and o I missed #6!

**i am the daisy! simple enough to grow by the roadside; and yet, beautiful enough to make a child smile and a woman blush...

wow so beautifully put!

U really do make me blush sometimes :)


gypsy said...

liked it but on the daisy part...on scnd thots that is vunerable enough to be eaten by some cow...

:)gud luck with the cooking...all men can do that...its just that they forget to serve well...

Nachi said...

Keshi: well i guess that we have quite a bit in common then, eh?? lovely! ;)

the cook-fest-cum-hookah-nite turned out pretty good. had chicken on the menu and went all out on an all new gravy recipe that i conjured up. thankfully, it turned out to be a hit!!

d'sinner: hmmm, i guess the cow must be really hungry then!

...and you can't be cooking and not make sure that it's served the right manner. dessert never comes before the main course, no matter how much anyone wishes it did!

Keshi said...

sounds Delicious!


Keshi said...

read my reply to ya in my blog :)


rhythm fadia-maniar said...

u write everything so simply and beautifully and fearlessly....i wish i had half ur courage bro

gP said...

bro...where art u...

Keshi said...

howdy? :)
